lunes, 6 de diciembre de 2010

Chile 2010: What are your views on Chile's bicentennial year?

200 years of liberty, peace and stability, 200 years to grow up as a country and to be proud of all the achievements.  It’s a year to look back and see what’s wrong and right, the pros and cons of the decisions we had to made (as a nation) and to move forward in time thinking of all the good things that are coming.
But there is something that makes any sense for me. How far we really get since 200 years ago? Is it really something to celebrate? I am not sure about it. Poorness, the government does not represent the will of the people, a society that is afraid of express its disagreement because nobody hear it, bad education, and the feeling that anything had changed in 20 years.
I cannot deny that Chile had grown up in some issues but we still live in an inequal society managed by a few, so where is the people? Our beautiful country, does not really listen the majorities just like in 1810.  Even when we are a ‘democratic’ nation we cannot say people talk, not when the ruling class think more in themselves than anything.  They just do what they think ‘people needs’ not what people really need.  Believe it or not, we live in a illegitimate State, where nobody ask us how we want our Constitution was and when we told them, they looked at us as a ‘good father’ who does not take his children seriously.
So, what advance are we talking about? There’s a long way to walk, the bicentenary year was not as good as they show, not when many people are claiming fro lots of things and nobody hear it.  The authorities must be measured when they make this bicentenary balance, do not say we are the best of Latin-American just because of a few millions more in our economy, not when those millions are distributed in a bad way to increment inequality.
There is a very long way to walk, I said, to walk to a really celebration.  It is going to happen when we can see great changes, real changes, not just papering over the cracks as they are doing since the beginning. We need to realize that we are not as good as they say to start something really new. That is the challenge.