jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

A greenish life

Global warming is a topic since many years ago, but it seems like nobody heard about it. What are we waiting for? Our planet is dying for attention! everyday we live doing not sustainable things, throwing our trash with no care if it could be recycled or not, taking long showers and turning on every light we could even if we are not in the room. Those things are not friendly because we spend our resources as it’ll never run away.  It’s a selfish practice because we are not thinking about next people behind us, our sons and grandsons.
Our city is a good example for a not-green place, there’s no conscience about anything related to environment stuff, lots of cars and rubbish at every street, papers and plastic bags. But on the other hand, we can see some green campaigns like the reusable bags for supermarket purchases and anothers stores.  There’s also some of them that promote to recycle our paper, plastic bottles and glass or just resuse them for some creative thing.  But, we can’t say that our city is a green and great place to live in harmony with the enviroment, because we don’t see these practices as something necessary and important.  We need to understand that it’s more than a game and an alternative lifestyle.
Personally I’ve done little things to help this cause, like walk instead of getting the car, recycling the papers I don’t use anymore, like old copybooks or books and fotocopies! (this year I’ve fotocopied a lot), turn off the lights when I’m leaving a room and not wasting more water tan the necessary. By the way! Last week I’ve bought a pretty reusable bag for shopping!
Helping the environment is not a hard thing! You have too many choices to help, but the most difficult thing is to change our minds and turn them green, with a few green actions you can help the world: don’t throw your trash at everyplace you want to, don’t print or fotocopy if you don’t need to (there are books on the reference library and you can take them from it) and try to reuse all what you can.

Let's go for a greenish life! will you?

p.s: I've heard a comment about this from somebody, she said that the sustainable development could be a selfish thing, because we are those who wants to keep living in the world, but do we know if the world want us living on it?

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